F2 Taximeter

Low cost electronic taximeter, printer capable, 6 digits for the FARE, 4 digits for the EXTRAS, 1 digit for the TARIFF index; 32 fully independent and smart tariffs automatically managed by the time, date, distance, fare amount; self-powered clock/calenda.

Dimension (WxHxD mm) 17 x 4,5 x 2,5
Weight Gr. 350 ca.
Displays Fare counter:
- 5 or 6 digits-Red High Luminosity Led
Extra counter:
- 5 Digits Red High-Luminosity Led
Fare counter:
1 Digit tariff index
Illuminated Front Text
Power Supply From 8,5 to 16 Volts
Temperature From -15 to 70 °C.
Relative Humidity 95%
Mechanical Strenght 3 g
Distance Unit From 10 cm. to 6553 meters
Step 10 cm.
Waiting Time Unit From 0,1 sec. to 6553
Step 0,1 sec.
Totalizator Mode 7 + 7 Statistic Memory
Tariff Structure 32 Smart and fully independent Tariffs
+4 Night Tariffs
+4 Holiday Tariffs
+4 Autofare Tariffs
+4 Autodistance Tariffs
Tariff Choice Manual
Automatic at pre-programmed:
- Distance(s)
- Time(s)
- Date(s)
- Fare(s)
- Amount(s)
Tariff Program Change - Memory Key
- By Programmer
Peripheral Connections - Printer
- Infrared Passenger Sensor
- Mobil Data Terminal
Communications Ports - Internal RS232 COM1 RS232 +/- 12 Volts STD
Operative Firmware Firmware is on Reprogrammable Flash Eprom
upgradable by reprogramming on board (Not
OTP Chip)
Transducer Mechanical Hall Effect or Internal adapter for electronic speedometer up to 100.000 l/km
Power Outputs 1 Roof Light 25 Watts
4 Programmable power outputs 5 Watts



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