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Telecom Italia acquires over 1.850 Digitax 3GMDT mobile data terminals.

Telecom Italia have given an order for over 1,850 Digitax 3GMDT mobile data terminals, to be used within Urban Public Transport, in projects developed by Telecom Italia System Integrator partners, and in some provinces of Central-North Italy.

The Digitax 3GMDT, on board terminals, will be mounted on Public Transport vehicles. These devices, integrated with the Central software used by the transport companies involved, will allow for the complete management of fleet vehicles giving an accurate display of both the vehicles and the transport network within the territory covered. It also allow for precise and flexible programming of the journeys.

Thanks to the automatic and configurable management of the applications, a series of added value services will be provided. Among these we highlight:

  • the information provided to the clients through the so called “Taxi Ranks";
  • the “Service certification”;
  • the communication between car driver and the Central;
  • the sending and receiving of messages;
  • the navigation on the territory;
  • the safety;
  • the video-surveillance;

The range of possible applications is vast due to the advanced technical solutions of both local and remote communication, as offered by the Digitax 3GMDT.

Together with mobiles, palmtops and cutting edge, bespoke software we are able to respond to the increasing demands of both the companies and citizens within modern urban Cities.

Telecom Italia acquires over 1.850 Digit


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