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Pescara has also started using the new automatic Digitax ATDS ride assignment system.

Many small to medium size concerns such as the Pescara Taxi Cooperative (CO.TA.PE.) are starting to use the new automatic Digitax ATDS ride assignment system.

The first installations in the car pool of the company from Abruzzo have started in the last few days; a Digitax G14 device will be installed in all the vehicles.
This device is a telematic box (black box) that track the vehicle’s position (GPS) and the taximeter’s status (Free/Hired) and send these informations to the control system via GPRS.
The Digitax G14 has also an External Display which shows informations to the taxi driver.

An independent and completely automated control system has the task of carrying out the dispatching and assignment of jobs to the different taxi drivers by communicating on the GSM/GPRS network. The position of each vehicle is precisely tracked by the GPS positioning system.

The system’s high efficiency and low functioning costs mean that a cooperative like CO.TA.PE. can substantially increase its profits.

Pescara has also started using the new a


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