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New Digitax TDS for Radio Taxi Opera

The RadioTaxi Opera , present in Milan and the hinterland south of the capital of Lombardy , is pleased to announce that from May 2, 2016 has been operating the new central Digitax TDS . To continue to ensure the highest standards of professionalism , punctuality and efficiency for which RadioTaxi Opera has always distinguished , a dedicated call center has been activated that responds to the number 02/42104211 all year 24 hours on 24 .

The satellite search system present on each car allows to quickly handle the entire flow of incoming calls and ensures high performance solutions and waiting times drastically reduced .

The fleet consists of environmentally friendly hybrid cars , taxis for transportation of 5/6 persons , low or high cars, minivans , animal - friendly cars, wifi on board, payment by credit cards , reservations and service are performed races to any destination .

Ensure quality , competence and kindness is the slogan of RadioTaxi OPERA !


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