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Digitax and Enel signed an agreement for the supply of 5300 MDT-MCU units and car mounting kits for complete operations fleet.

Digitax Automotive Electronics is pleased to announce the signature of the agreement with ENEL (Italian energy producer and distributor), for the supply of 5300 devices MDT-MCU and related installation kits for the fitting of ENEL operations fleet.

Further to development of the on board equipment, Digitax has managed the design and delivery of so called “car mounting”, that is all the parts necessary to install the equipment (Kit) into the various type of ENEL vehicles.

The design of the devices has been set and developed by Digitax in accordance with the precise application specifications.

The company is used to acting in this way, customising its products, in order to guarantee an effective and reliable “bespoke” solution. During the design process Digitax technical staff have been further assisted by ENEL ICT working group.

“Accomplishing this project in the best way, promptly answering customer enquiries has surely been for us a demanding, but at the same time, a very  stimulating challenge.

Says Mr Luigi Guazzotti, Digitax CEO “Our technical staff have concentrated their energies from the beginning of the development and implementation of this project, achieving an excellent outcome, exceeding even initial expectations”.

The supply to ENEL of MDT-MCU device is an expression of the strength of Digitax in designing, producing and fitting of particularly sophisticated systems and equipment. Supporting companies in all project phases and always being available for communication with the customer, define Digitax and give them the winning edge over the many competitors within the Italian market.

Digitax and Enel signed an agreement for


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